Wednesday, April 10, 2013

When Elder L chugs holo-holo... (3/30/13)

Dear Family and Friends,

Happy Easter. This has been a great week. It is Holy week in the Philippines. It didn't change much, it actually made street contacting easier since there was lots of people out for the good Friday procession. We avoided the procession and talked to lots of people who were waiting or it had already passed them. But then we got cornered by the procession and had to flee before we got surrounded. That was quite the adventure. We found some great potential investigators that we are planning on contacting in the next week or so. We really have been struggling to find new investigators but with some new goals we are getting better.

WE had a crazy experience on Wednesday. We went to try to contact one of our investigators, Ca. Since school is done it we figured it would be easy to contact him. When we went to his house a lady came out and invited us in very quickly. WE walked into a room full of people and food and were instantly confused. WE thought that she may have thought we were other people. Car was there though and said it was a graduation party for one of his friends. It got weird again when the lady asked me bless the food. Car said she was Catholic, but she knew we were missionaries and seemed to understand our role as representatives of Christ. I thought she looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. We also didn't get to talk with her before we left. Elder L and I were panicking at first since we had no idea what was going on. But it turned out good.

As I said earlier Elder L and I set some goals to help us find new investigators. One was a minimum of pamphlets that we give to people everyday. We have done well so far and have found some people who are very interested and receptive. We talked to this one guy who usually hurries into his house when he sees us but this time he didn't and we got to talk with him. We also met some people from America who have some close friends who are members and they invited us to come back. I have really got to see how the Lord truly is preparing his children to hear and accept the Gospel. I have really had my eyes opened as I have asked the Lord to place into my path those who are prepared and then looked for them. He has led me to so many and I know that he will do the same for all of you as you think about which of your friends or family are ready to hear the Gospel. All we have to do is ask, seek and knock and it is promised that it will be given, it will be opened and we will find.

Yesterday on Easter I read Elder Holland's talk "None were with Him". I love this talk about the Atonement. I want to testify to all of you that I know that Christ lives. I know that because we walked such a long lonely path utterly alone we do not have to. I know that he is near us always and is ready to lift us as we turn to him. I ask you all to take some time to ponder about what a great gift the Atonement is and take the time to thank our Heavenly Father for the matchless gift of His son, our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that salvation comes through Christ alone. His Gospel is the way and we are blessed to have it. Let us share it will all. Mahal Kita! Kita Kits!

Elder RWood

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