Sunday, April 20, 2014

Bagong Kasama, Bagong Area, Gonzaga Zone Leader pa rin (4/20/14)

Dear Family and Friends,

The title of this email should just about explain what is happening to me this week. It means "New Companion, New Area, Still Gonzaga Zone Leader". The Gonzaga Zone Leaders are being moved from Buguey to Gonzaga. It is a nice move as it helps us with exchanges and everything. Buguey is the furthest west area in the zone, so travel for exchanges and everything is long and pricey. Now we will be right in the middle of the zone, so our zone leader duties will be easily accomplished. I am sad to leave Buguey of course. I have learned a lot here and I love the people here. They are in good hands though. My new companion is Elder R, who is coming out of the mission office, just like I did in January. I worked with him over a year ago in Bacarra when we were both waiting to train. I am excited to get to work with him again. I will finally have a companion taller then me!

This was a great week of work in Buguey. We have made some great progress with our investigators. Helping others to come unto Christ is not an easy task, but I know from personal experience that the joy that comes from the work is indescribable. I was reading yesterday in Alma 7 and I love how Alma tells the people of Gideon that his joy over the people of Zarahemla has come after wading through much tribulation and sorrow. I know personally that often, wading through affliction and sorrow is prerequisite to having joy. Thus we came to an imperfect world to be tried and tested before achieving the fullness of joy. Compared to the joy, the hardships are nothing. 

First news is El. He prayed in the name of Jesus Christ on Saturday! After 12 weeks of trying over and over and over again, the Lord softened his heart enough for him to be willing to try, It was such a great prayer and the Spirit was so strong as he prayed. He told us he would do it if we would try praying using the Hebrew name for Jesus Christ. We did and there was nothing. Compared to his prayer in the name of Jesus Christ,it wasn't even a prayer. He is super receptive and is so grateful for our patience with him. Before teaching him, I did not have as much patience as I do now. 

Next is D. She is still struggling to understand the answers that she is receiving, but she is getting answers. Part of it is that she is being taught by another church who is just confusing her and basically bullying her into believing them. She received and answer and knows that Joseph Smith is a true prophet, but she is having a hard time following that answer. On Saturday we gave her a chapel tour and she came to church on Sunday.

We also taught to two of our other investigators at the Chapel on Friday, Ro and Do. They are both 14 and are super receptive and excited. They came to church yesterday and loved it! They even brought one of their friends we hadn't met before with them. The Lord is really preparing them and they will be great missionaries one day. They are excited for baptism on May 24 and are well on the way to being ready for it.

We also had exchanges this week with two of the District Leaders, Elder D and Elder I. I worked with both of them here in Buguey and I learned much from them. They are both diligent and hard working. I am grateful for all of those that the Lord has put in my mission from whom I have learned. I don;'t think there is a single missionary I have met that I have not learned from.

In closing, I want to share my testimony of our Savior Jesus Chirst. With Easter yesterday, I have thought much on the Atonement and what it means to me and how important it is in the lives of all people. I know that the entire plan of salvation hinges on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Without it, there is not use to life. I know that because He died and rose after three days, so will all people who have ever lived. He is the Only Begotten Son of God, The Lamb of God who was without blemish. He is the only one to whom the consequence of sin, death, was not due, yet He gave his life so that we all may live, and have eternal life too, if we will follow his Gospel and commandments. He loves us. He lives. He will come again. I know these thing for my self, for the Spirit has testified of them to me. And I say them in His name, even Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

Love, Elder R Wood

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