Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Weary? It's not Gateraide (3/10/13)

ear Family members and friends,

Howdy everyone! What a week it has been. There is always so much to do and so little time in which to do it. Between teaching investigators, less actives, members, finding, studying and meetings there is always lots to do! I can always tell that it has been a successful day when I get back at the end of it and I am tired. And when I say tired I mean really tired. But I'd rather be worn out at the end of the day and happy with everything I have been able to accomplish than have lots of energy and not have done all that I can.

SO we found several new investigators in the past week. Finding is something that we have been struggling with, but I feel that we are starting to get the hang of it. One of our new investigators is so awesome. We met Ro when we were trying to find people with the big houses, since that is one of the things that we have been encouraged to do. He lives is this really really nice house that is actually his Aunts house, but they live in Hawaii so he is taking care of it for them. When we first met him, we started talking right away about the Restoration and the Prophet Joseph Smith. He told us that he had never heard of Joseph Smith so we set a return appointment and we went back this past Thursday. He is very open and interested. He accepted the Book of Mormon we gave him and told us he would read. We are really excited to go back and keep teaching him.

WE have one investigator, Fr, who is what people might call a golden investigator. When we first met him he was very set on the fact that we were just trying to convince him we were right and everyone else was wrong. But after he started reading the Book of Mormon, he has changed completely. He loves reading and read from 3 Nephi 11 to Mormon 2 between our visits. He also was very willing to pray and gave an awesome closing prayer. He has a baptismal date for April 13,so we are working hard towards that. We have a baptism next week too. Ivan is going to be baptized! His interview is Saturday and we are super excited. We have been teaching him for a long time and now he is ready. Get ready for some more pictures.

I got lots of your letters in the past week. I really don't know how the mail system here works, but I'm sure it is crazy. That's alright though. Thank you for your love and prayers and all your support. Keep up your faith and look for missionary opportunities. Also read Elder Clarke's talk from conference about the Sacrament. It is a great talk and has application for everyone. Mahal Kita!

Elder RWood

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