Monday, May 26, 2014

We really need to get potatoes today- Elder R (05/26/14)

Dear Friends and Family,

Whoa it has been quite the week! I will start with the best part of the week though, MJo's baptism! I have attached pictures from it below. It was a very nice, simple baptismal service. We had 5 investigators there (almost all of them are related to MJo or close friends). Bro Da, the second counselor in the Branch Presidency performed the ordinance. He has been fellowshipping with us a lot and is related to most of our investigators. Elder R and I also put together a musical number and sang. Good thing there wasn't many people there. Just kidding. It turned out really well and everyone felt the Spirit the whole time. 

We also found a few new families this week. We were finally able to make contact with a referral and ended up teaching the whole family. The Su family is awesome and have really been well prepared for the Gospel. There are 6 of them total, and the youngest boy reminds me of my little brother (Yes Ty that means you). He is just that goofy funny kid who makes everyone laugh all of the time. I guess every family has one of them. They are committed to baptism, but not on a set date yet, since Brother and Sister Su wanted to talk about it. We will be going there again on Wednesday and we will reextend o them a date for baptism.

On Wednesday we had exchanges with Sta Ana A, one of the district leaders in the Zone. I worked with the DL, Elder Ru, in Gonzaga. Elder Ru is hilarious! We had great success, especially in teaching to another family, out in Sta Clara. We have taught the mother of the family before, but this time, we also got the father to sit in on the lesson. We got him in because his wife told us that he had a question about what happens after Resurrection. Score! We taught about the Plan of Salvation and how God wants all of his children to have eternal families. They all agreed to a return appointment and we were going to go back on Saturday, but there was some extenuating circumstances that prevented us from going. Really sad, but there was nothing we could do.

We have also started to look for and teach more less actives. We have found some, and almost all of them have been less active for a long time. As in over 10 years. So we have some hard work ahead but we know that the Lord will soften their hearts and will open the way for them to come back and resume the path they begun to eternal life. Some of the reasons that people have for going inactive here just do not make sense at all to me. I know that God loves all of His Children though and never gives up on them. I never will either. It will not be easy, but to see them again enjoy all of the blessings of the Gospel will make all of the struggles worth it. That is where I find great joy and after the trial comes the witness. 

I know that this is the work of the Lord. I have never done anything in my life that is more rewarding and fulfilling than serving the Lord by inviting others to come unto Christ. I have learned that there is always more to learn and more to do and ways to improve. We are to become as our Heavenly Father and that requires constant action and faith on our part. It is possible in the end because of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know he lives and he is the Only Begotten of the Father. He is the Way to our Father in Heaven. I look forward to the coming weeks and months and love eery second of this work. I know that we will all find great joy in doing whatever part we have been given in this work, no matter how small it may seem to us. Thanks for all the support and prayers!

Elder R Wood

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